From The Clarion, May, 1958
Class History
On the first day of school, the morning of
September 1, 1946 we, the Graduates of 1958, were there! Our parents, as proud of us then
as they are now, watched us as we adjusted to our new way of life.
Through the grades, many of the original
Leaksville, Spray and Draper first graders regretfully left the companionship of their
friends, but new students soon filled their empty desks.
When the first graders of Leaksville Graded
began school, they had their principal Mr. Wendall Newlin. When these students and those
from Spray Graded entered Leaksville-Spray Junior High, Mr. Newlin was right there to
welcome them. And when the students from Leaksville-Spray and Draper Junior High Schools
graduated from the ninth grade were registered at Tri-city High, Mr. Newlin again
accompanied them.
We were sophomores in high school! This fact,
that we were sophomores, was the biggest event of the year! We gradually adapted to the
new routine of senior high school life. Some of us struggled through our first foreigh
language; all of us, through biology and "Julius Caesar". We elected Jimmy
Walker, J. Hoyte Stultz, and Glenda Dodson to lead out class. We shared many exciting
times that year; among them the sophomore social; and we enjoyed every minute of it!
As Juniors we did not feel so lowly as we had
the year before. We began to know our classmates better, made many lasting friendships,
and felt wholly a part of the school. Our class officers were J. Stultz, president; Jimmy
Goldston, vice-president; and Glenda Dodson, treasurer. Our eleventh year was a happy one.
We had much to look forward to; class rings, the junior dance, selling magazines, and
planning the Junior-Senior.
In the fall of 1957, we came back to our
school, now John Motley Morehead High School, as dignified (at least we tried to be)
seniors. We elected as out leaders through this, our most important year: Jimmy Goldston,
president; everette Dunn, vice-president; Beth Sugg, recording secretary; and Glenn
Hopkins, treasurer. Mrs. Sarah H. Ferguson and Mr. Odell Nassar were co-advisors for the
senior class.
We have struggled through chemistry, trig, typing and shorthand.
Some of our happier moments have been spent in selling candy, selecting cards and
invitations, being measured for caps and gowns, waiting in suspense for the Junior-Senior,
and preparing for the senior play. after the farewell fun of the senior trip, we are still
anxiously awaiting the senior promm and the bug night of GRADUATION!
We chose as our colors. red and white; and our
flower if the red rose.
Our motto is "Not finished, just
begun". This motto shall pave the way for our future.
Compiled by: Jerri Smith, Jane Garrett, Myra Greer.